How will I receive my products?

You receive your product within IMVU by message through the gifted option. We only need your @vu / your imvu avatar name @.

BlackMarketVu is a brand of BM rooms and accessories for IMVUâ„¢. We have varieties of rooms, female and male triggers, poses and other products.
We have full warranty on our products and deliver on the same day.
Come and choose the best Imvu black market product for you.
This site is not part of the IMVU™ website or IMVU™. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by IMVU™ in any way. IMVU™ is a trademark of IMVU™.

When will I receive my products?

Products are delivered the same day after payment to your IMVU account.

Most products are delivered immediately.

Is this website a scam?

Do not. I've been selling imvu products for over 10 years, we have references through instagram and discord.

What are my payment options?

We accept the following payment methods: Credit Card/Apple/Google Play (Website), Paypal, Cashapp, Wise (Have 5% Discount) and WesternUnion (Have 5% Discount)

Are my products under warranty?

We are not giving a guarantee, you need to follow all the rules that I will send you after you make your purchase, this way your product has a better chance of lasting longer.
Always check the rules that I will send to your email.

Am I banned if I buy black market imvu?

No, you will never get banned for having black market products, only the creator has that risk.

/right-top, right-bottom, left-top, left-bottom, center-top, center-bottom, center-center/ var position = "left-top"; /verde, azul, vermelho, amarelo/ var color = "verde"; /fade, zoom, from-right, from-left, from-top, from-bottom/ var animation = "from-left"; /nome do produto/ var product_name = ""; /frase depois do nome da pessoa/ var phrase = "recently purchased"; var timeout = 4000; /masc, fem, any/ var type_name = "masc, fem"; var msg_final = ""; var min_time = 4; var max_time = 20; var names_masc = ['Alexis', 'Miguel', 'Quynh', 'Moses', 'Holyfield', 'Chad', 'Charae', 'Patrick', 'Denzel', 'Maxwell', 'Fawas', 'Ruthan', 'Ryan', 'Nahuel', 'Mustafa', 'Gerode', 'Saveon', 'Charles']; var names_fem = ['Diana', 'Destiny', 'Corey', 'Karina', 'Rachel', 'Pamela', 'Cara', 'Angel', 'Azucena', 'Katerina', 'Elizabeth', 'Julieta', 'Briana', 'Sher']; var option = { position: position, cssAnimationStyle: animation, plainText: false, timeout: timeout }; function show_notification() { if (type_name == "masc") { msg_final = "" + names_masc[Math.floor(Math.random() * names_masc.length)] + ""; } else if (type_name == "fem") { msg_final = "" + names_fem[Math.floor(Math.random() * names_fem.length)] + ""; } else { var array_aux = ["masc", "fem"]; if (array_aux[Math.floor(Math.random() * array_aux.length)] == "masc") { msg_final = "" + names_masc[Math.floor(Math.random() * names_masc.length)] + ""; } else { msg_final = "" + names_fem[Math.floor(Math.random() * names_fem.length)] + ""; } } msg_final += decodeURIComponent(escape(" " + phrase + " " + product_name)); if (color == "verde") { Notiflix.Notify.Success(msg_final, option); } if (color == "azul") { Notiflix.Notify.Info(msg_final, option); } if (color == "vermelho") { Notiflix.Notify.Failure(msg_final, option); } if (color == "amarelo") { Notiflix.Notify.Warning(msg_final, option); } var rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max_time - min_time + 1) + min_time); setTimeout(show_notification, rand * 1000); } setTimeout(show_notification, 4 * 1000);